


To be in the forefront in advancement in energy technology and research by offering a platform for short papers, reviews and technical reports of note.


  • A platform for energy ideas
  • International collaboration
  • No fees or if not possible very low fees


The journal offers a forum for academics, students, professionals, manufacturers, distributors and installers to discuss and develop the latest developments of the effective use of all forms of energy.  The journal is also open to advances in cleaner fuels, transportation, co-generation, digital technologies in the energy sector and societal implications of the evolving energy sector.

Articles submitted and accepted will be curated and uploaded to an electronic cite-able database linked to OpenAIRE and be available under Creative Commons Liscence 4.0 with a unique DOI number to make your research visible and possible to cite, under the AIUE Journal page.

Submissions can be sent to : The Editor Dr Nasiru Zakaria, email : [Submissions will open soon. Watch this space]

Disclaimer: This journal has no connection with any society or association. Authors and visitors are kindly requested to note that AIUEJ is an independent journal at this stage, but still run according to rigorous editorial policy.

The Journal Editor is Dr Nasiru Zakaria, of Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority , Deputy General Manager (ICT), Nigeria