Day 1 – Workshop 2019

Monday 25th November: Electric Transportation Workshop

Workshop Powered By


09h00 am
Conference Management
09h45 am
Opening of Conference
Mayors Office
10h00 am
Keynote Address : The Landscape of Electric Vehicles and the Energy System
Hiten Parmar, Director Uyilo Emobility
10h30 am
Overview of Electric Transportation
Karel Steyn (Eskom)
11h00 am
EV transport sector model
Fadiel Ahjum (ESEP Group):
11h30 am
-- Refreshments --
11h45 am
Electric Vehicles
Mary Haw (City of Cape Town):
12h15 pm
Sishen/Saldanha Rail: Benefits of electricity for freight
Sguda Sibande (Transnet)
12h45 pm
Hybrid Trucks – ultra heavy vehicles in mining
Dr Mark Rawlins (Enerserv)
13h15 pm
-- Lunch --
14h15 pm
Eskom’s e-mobility programme
Darryl Chapman (Eskom)
14h45 pm
Wireless EV charging
Sampath Danapathi Arachchige (University of CT):
15h15 pm
Exploring the potential of low-cost EV ins South Africa as an Empowerment initiative.
Bode Hamed & Dadid Dorell (UKZN)
15h35 pm
STEM OUTREACH IN ENERGY : School students presentation "Ion Drive Concept"
17h00 pm
-- Complimentary Game of Golf --
18h00 pm
Conference Dinner with Guest Keynote: Prof. Hal Walker of NASA
Entertainment by the Groove Parker Band
Abstracts for Eskom Presentations at Electric Transport Workshop and ICUE conference


Lessons learnt from the planning phase of battery storage integration at a utility scale level in South Afria – Kurt Dedekind (Conference)

Eskom has embarked on a project to install distributed battery energy storage to support the network and provide ancillary support to the national grid. This presentation shares the planning approach that was followed and the experiences gained during the planning phase of the project. The technical evaluation of the storage integration to support both local and national constraints is shared in the presentation.

“Raw Materials Transportation: Comparisons and Options” – Karel Steyn (Workshop)

The transportation sector, contributing about 13% of total emissions, is the second-highest contributor to the South Africa’s greenhouse gas emissions. To decrease emissions the focus and effort is usually on privately owned smaller passenger Electric Vehicles (EV’s). This presentation however provides information on, and compares the benefits of the various types of solutions for transporting freight and raw materials.

“Strategies for Improving Utility Sustainability” – Karel Steyn (Conference)

This presentation attempts to present the possible options for a hypothetical, illustrative electric utility facing challenges due to the impacts of renewables, the need for emission saving and pricing limitations. In this context, the flexibility potential throughout an electricity utility system, from the demand side, supply side, network operations, storage as well as generation and others are covered. The concepts and applicability are universal.