Wednesday 25th November 2020: 13:30AM - 15:50PM
13h30-13h40 am
Sam Showers
13h40-13h50 am
Opening Address
Dr Ali Al Maktoof
13h50 - 14h00 am
Design and Assessment of Medium Scale PV Plant for a Building
A Mattheus, Dr. Ali M. Almaktoof
14h00 - 14h10 am
Low-cost Radio Frequency Occupancy Measurement System
Lee McQuire
14h10-14h20 am
Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Warning
L. Mazitshana, Ali Almaktoof
14h20 - 14h30 am
Electrification of Rural Areas Using Photovoltaic Systems: Stand Alone Systems
Abongile A. Manono, Ali Almaktoof
14h30 - 14h40 am
Performance Study of Synchronization in Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems
Kalunga D. Mulembo, Ali M A Almaktoof
14h40 - 14h50 am
Impacts Mitigation of Large Scale Photovoltaic on the Utility Grid
Mveliso Mpukuzela* Ali Almaktoof
14h50 - 15h00 am
The Value of Energy Storage for an Industrial Customer on a Utility Distribution Network
Xolisa Koni
15h00-15h10 am
Solar power technologies for Desalination (RO & PRO)
Tshepang Arthar Prince, Ali Almaktoof
15h10-15h20 am
Smart Blind Stick for the Navigation of the Visually Impaired
Khanyisa Mkosana, Ali Almaktoof
15h20 - 15h30 am
Software defined networking based on centralized control for smart grid communication
Elisha Indarjit*, Marco Adonis
15h35 - 15h50 am
Questions & Answer Session